Bar Crawl in Treasure Beach, Jamaica
Quite frequently there are street dances in and around Treasure Beach.

hen street dances take place in Treasure Beach, huge loud speakers are set up on the roadside, blaring the latest dance-hall tunes to the gyrations of beautiful girls in the tiniest batty riders (aka short shorts) and their ganja-smoking dred boyfriends who lounge against the speakers.
Visitors to Jakes frequently take part in this revelry where white rum and Dragon Stout and condensed milk is the drink du jour, if not a Red Bull or a Green Beer (which is slang for a Heineken, and a prestigious alternative to Red Stripe).
While visiting Jakes, you may also be lucky enough to catch one of Jamaica’s many famous singers. Some favorite joints include Junction and Black River. When you arrive, just ask at the desk what’s on. Especially if Adrien is there. He really knows his music.

“The treasure is beauty, creativity, music, friendship, silence and flavors.The beach is where the eye and body start the magic trip!”
Jean Louis Aubert

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